Saturday, July 2, 2011

Medical Assistant Jobs Advice Interview Tip #4: Show Up For the Interview

What Is the Surest Guarantee To NOT Get the Job?

This column explores all possible factors of jobs, the inetrview process and gives insight into the best ways to get yourself the job you want. It breaks down every factor and facet of the interview and job-seeking process and gives advice on how to get around or eliminate the most common barriers you will encounter. But there is one sure-fire way to guarantee you won't get the job and for which there are no advices to be given: blowing off an interview.

This may seem like an obvius one, and it is, it can have an after effect which extends far beyond what you might think.

How Can Blowing Off an Interview Come Back to Haunt You?

While the most obvious point here is that, if you're not there for the interview, you can't possoibly get the job (and you would be a miracle worker if you did), there are a couple of points which can really hurt you in the furture.

To cover them quickly, they are simply stated to be the facts that, a) even if it is your first time not showing up for something, it can be the beginning of a bad reputation and b) the professional community is mroe connected than you might think and you can bar yourself from future opportunities with more than one employer.

Of course there are life reasons, little emergencies, that come up. But, even these should at least have the courtesy of a phone call, even if after the fact.

Regardless of your reasons, and besides an emergency, there should only be one reason to not show up for an interview you agreed to attend: you got another job offer andn, even in that case, a phone call to the employer to cancel is in order with an explanation of why.

On a more positive note, there are plenty of reasons to show up for an interview that you scheduled.

10 Reasons to Show Up For the Interview:

1. There may be aspects to the job you never knew about
2. There may be more benefits than you thought
3. You can turn down a job if you don't want it
4. Going on interviews is great practice
5. Another position from the same doctor may become available
6. The doctor may have mroe than one position immediately available
7. You never really know what a job is about until you visit the office
8. The doctor may have connections to other doctors
9. It will firmly establish a reputaion for professionalism
10.It is the right thing to do

So resist any urge you may have for blowing off that interview and call when you must. This is a hard fast rule to follow which will keep you in good standing in the job market.

Best of luck on those interviews!

Frank Sardella

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